Youth & Children
Nursery & Toddler’s Playroom
Operation Hours: 9 am – 9 pm, Daily
Nursery Extension Number: (02)2885-8260 Ext. 558
- Children under 24 months are allowed in the Nursery with constant supervision of a parent or Domestic Helper.
- All children entering the Nursery must wash their hands or use disinfectant hand spray prior to entering the Nursery.
- Children must be signed in & out by the parent or responsible Club member.
- No food or beverages are permitted in this area except infant formula in bottles only.
- No shoes are allowed at any time.
- The Parent or responsible Club member must be on the Club premises at all times.
- A parent or responsible Club member must inform the Nursery Attendant where on the Club premises he or she will be at ALL times. In the event the member changes locations, the Nursery Attendant must be notified by contacting at extension 558.
- No child with an illness will be permitted in this area. A child must be fever or ill-free for 24 hours prior to being brought to the Nursery.
- Members or Domestic Helpers are responsible for changing diapers. Nursery staff are not allowed to change diapers.
- Supervisory staff or management may request the parent or responsible Club member to remove a child due to misbehavior, illness, etc.
- Only members are allowed to check in and leave children in the Nursery. Domestic Helpers can accompany children in the Nursery at the member’s request.
- Due to space limitations, the Nursery can accept no more than 15 children and/or parents at any one time. In the event of overcrowding, children who have been in the Nursery 2 consecutive hours will be asked to leave to allow space for other children.
- At the discretion of the Club Management, members not respecting these rules will not be allowed to use the Nursery.
Toddler’s Playroom
Operation Hours: 9 am – 9 pm, Daily
- The Indoor Children’s Playroom is reserved for Children aged 3 to 6 and they are responsible for appropriate utilization and care of the facilities.
- Parents are responsible for the conduct of their family Member’s and guests who utilize this room.
- Children using this room should be at least 90cm tall.
- All Shoes must be placed in a shoe rack ( No shoes allowed at any time).
- No wet bathing suits shall be permitted.
- No food or beverages are permitted in this area.
- Climbing on inside of play structure (the fishnet) is strictly prohibited.
- No toys or other hard objects should be taken into this room.
- At any one time, the maximum number of children is limited to 15.
Guest Charges Applied!
In accordance with ACC RULES
- Please be reminded that only direct children of ACC Members who are under 28 years of age are Members. For those ACC Members’ children who are 28yrs and over, and all other Members’ relatives are Guests.
- All applicable Guest Fees must be “signed for” by the ACC “Host Member” promptly when registering for any sports facilities, Nursery or Toddler’s areas, whenever such facilities are being used by a Guest.
Hospital close to the Club
- MacKay Memorial Hospital 馬偕醫院
- The emergency number for calling ambulance #119