Listed here are the activities and groups that have been formed within the Club for like-minded Members who get together regularly to enjoy their chosen activities and meet with people who share a common interest. These groups provide a great way to meet new people and expand your social circle within the Club.

Rules for Private Activities & Groups:

This section is to promote Member-based group activities that operate within the Club, often known as a “Club Within a Club,” for the benefit of Members who share a common interest and encourage interaction among Members.

These rules help establish expectations and guidelines for members to follow, creating a positive and productive environment.

These activities may be fully managed and run by ACC staff and determined as Club Events. They may also be wholly Member-organized and Member-run activities by the group leaders who are in sole responsibility for promoting and organizing the events. We also encourage Members to provide suggestions for additional Activity Groups that might be added. However, please follow the rules below:

  • Any activity or group must exist primarily for the benefit of ACC Members. Be clearly identified as an ACC-related activity and must involve a certain amount of activities that take place normally within ACC facilities (ex: regular social gatherings and meetings)
  • New suggestions will be reviewed by the Events Chair and GM who will make the final decision on whether the proposal will be accepted. The decision will be notified to the EC
  • The decision will also be made on whether the group is a “Club Within a Club” and supported by Management, or is a Private Member event, which may be open to other Members to join.
  • Once approved, the Events Chair and GM will make a decision if the group is to be included on the website.
  • If the group is a regular Private Member event, which may be open to other Members to join the group must nominate a person in charge who will be responsible for providing information and photographs for inclusion on the webpage.
  • All activities of a regular Private Member event shall be managed and coordinated by the Member including contacting the group members, promoting group events, handling group meeting materials (printing is available at the Front Desk with a fee- NTD10/per A4 size), and arranging meeting venues.
  • If a venue is required the Member should contact the Banquet Manager
  • Management will help promote a new group for its initial meeting, including one routine weekly newsletter, one targeted email, and one poster/flyer design (as required)
  • Subsequent events if open to other Members may be included in the newsletter, but all marketing material needs to be developed by the Member.
  • Private groups cannot solicit additional external sponsorships or ask for resources such as printing, mailing, delivery services, etc. from the Management in response to our SDGs goals
  • ACC Management and Board will retain full editorial control of page contents at all times. Any information submitted directly to the site that is deemed to be inappropriate or offensive will be immediately removed and the Club will follow up with the Member “offline” by email or telephone. Editorial changes may be applied for reasons of the appropriateness of the content, or in order to maintain a consistency of style across the website as a whole.
  • The Events Chair, Board and Management also reserve the right to remove a group from the website if it no longer meets the criteria for being included there.

Venue Usage Rules:

The social group is formed by 100% club Members  

The social group is NOT formed by 100% Members


•     Will not force minimum charge for using restaurant’s private rooms during weekdays.

•     The restaurant can accept private room reservations 2 weeks in advance.

•     During black-out days, weekends or special holidays, the minimum charge will be applied for private room requirements as normal.

•     Minimum charge for Banquet venues will be required at all times.


•     Minimum charge for restaurant’s private rooms will be required.

•     Minimum charge for Banquet venues will be required.


Got a Good Idea for a New Group or Activity?

If you have an idea for a new group or activity please do let us know.  Member Services are happy to discuss your suggestions at any time.

Activities & Groups

  • Ladies Tennis Doubles League

    The Women’s Tennis Doubles League play each Thursday from 9am – 12noon. The purpose of the league is to have a Doubles match in a fun and social atmosphere.

  • Bridge Group

    ACC’s Bridge Group meets each Tuesday from 1pm to 4pm – with tea and coffee refreshments provided to aid concentration. We would love to hear from other ACC Members who already play Bridge, or would like to make a start.