Fitness & Sports
Squash & Multi-Sports
- Daily: 6:00~23:00
- Facilities
- Coaching & Lessons
- Rules
- Make a Booking
The Club has two squash courts and one multi-sports court. The courts are open to both social and serious players alike. ACC has a very popular and active squash group and competitions are held on a regular basis. Coaching is available for both junior and adult members and our staff of seasoned professionals are on hand when needed to help you improve your game.
The multi-sports court can be configured for use as a badminton court or for basketball hoop practice.
Squash coaching and clinics for adults and juniors are available from our in-house squash coach, Alan Yang. There is an active Social squash that take place every Sunday from 12:00 to 3:00 pm, plus arranged friendlies against visiting teams and local clubs.
A Badminton court is available, and badminton lessons & clinics can be booked with coach Alan Yang.
Basketball and Badminton are other activities that occupy the multi-activity hall. Times are allocated for Basketball use, however, lessons from our ACC Basketball coaches for groups are available but must be booked in advance at the Pro Shop.
Table Tennis is another sport that ACC can offer. We have 2 tables. All equipment for playing table tennis is available from the Pro Shop where booking must be made prior to use.
To reserve a squash court or the multi-sports court by phone, please contact 02 2885 3823.
A full description of the booking and procedures and rules for all these sports is available here.