2024 March/April Bi-Monthly Challenge: 1 Minute Squat Challenge (Expired)

Date & Time:
Location:Fitness Center
This event does not count toward your F&B Monthly Minimum Amount.

Let the Squat Challenge begin!

Opening Hours: 6:00 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Cost: Free

Participants must touch the bench when squatting down and return to a straight leg position when standing up. The challenge aims to determine who can complete the most reps in 1 minute.

Two Groups: Males/Females

Massage Voucher, valued at NT 2400 (50% of the full amount), from Oriental Retreat, for first place male and female.

For additional details, feel free to reach out to the Fitness Center Staff at 02 2885-8260 ext. 378. Sign up with the Fitness Center Staff directly.