Fitness Center Appreciation Fiesta


Date & Time:
Location:California Room
Booking Starts:Tue, Sep 3, 2024, 09:00
This event does not count toward your F&B Monthly Minimum Amount.

To express our sincere thanks for your continued support and dedication, the ACC Fitness Center is excited to announce our upcoming Members’ Appreciation Party.

Join us on the evening of September 20th from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the South California Room.

We warmly invite all our valued Members to enjoy this special event. Savor a delightful array of gourmet dishes and celebrate with us.

Let’s gather to honor our shared commitment to fitness, wellness, and community!

Book Now to save your spot!


This event does not count toward your F&B Monthly Minimum Amount

For more information, please contact Fitness Center Staff at 02 2885-8260 ext. 378 or email to

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